Authentic Love / February Fellowship
Delivered By
Dr. Tom Hover
Delivered On
February 13, 2022
Authentic Love / February Fellowship

Authentic Love
Text: I John 3:10-24, 4:7-21, 5:1-3, 13
Love God completely; Love others compassionately; Love yourself correctly.
Love is a good test of authentic Christianity.  
Love is the result of being in Christ, and Him living in us.  
Love changes our hearts, home, and habits.    
Love causes us to have: Christian actions, Christian ambitions, Christian attitudes, and Christian affections.  
Love wins real friends.  Love keeps real friends. 
Where love resides, God abides
I. The Principle of Authentic  Love  
I John 3:11-18
A.) The Command I John 3:11      B.) The Comparison I John 3:12 
C.) The Christianity  I John 3:13   D.) The Conversion I John 3:14  
E.) The Chaos I John 3:15             F.) The Consecration I John 3:17  
G.) The Concern I John 3:17
II. The Power of Authentic Love 
I John 3:19-22
A.) The Proof  I John 3:19     B.) The Power I John 3:20   
C.) The Peace I John 3:21    D.) The Promise I John 3:22
The love that unites us as Christians is far stronger than the differences that tries to divide us.
III. The Practice of Authentic Love 
I John 3:23-24
A.) The Command I John 3:23     B.) The Christianity I John 3:24
The loneliest place in the world is the human heart when love is absent. 
IV. The Proof of Authentic Love   
I John 2:21
A.) The Commandment Test    I John 2:3-4
B.) The Companion Test          I John 3:14, I John 4:20, I John 5:1
C.) The Commitment Test        I John 5:10-13, I John 2:19
If we are brave enough to love, strong enough to forgive, generous enough to rejoice in another’s happiness, and wise enough to know there is enough love to go around for us all, then we can achieve a fulfillment of Authentic Love that few ever know.

Tonight 6:00 PM
February Fellowship!
Pizza, Drinks, and Entertainment  Provided, Bring yourself and relatives and friends . 
If you want to bring  a dessert, salad, or snacks that is totally your prerogative.