Who Crucified The Lord Jesus Christ? / The Judgment Seat of Christ
Delivered By
Dr Tom Hover
Delivered On
April 10, 2022
Who Crucified The Lord Jesus Christ? / The Judgment Seat of Christ


Who Crucified The Lord Jesus Christ?
Matthew 27:25  Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
   This chapter deals with “the dirtiest deed ever done,” and that deed was the crucifixion of the very Son of God. If you had the imagination of a poet, the mind of a philosopher, the hand of an artist, and the tongue of a great singer, then you could not imagine, describe, or depict the horror and tragedy that was enacted on that hill that we call Calvary, the place where Jesus, the Son of God, and the Mighty Maker, died for our sin.
   I titled my message, “Who Crucified the Lord Jesus Christ?” because I want us to see who crucified Jesus. I want us to look into the twenty-seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew and want you to listen, I want you to pay attention, because if you listen carefully, with your eyes wide open because you’ll hear your name and see yourself  in this message and will see yourself. For we were there when Jesus was crucified.
I. Self-Righteous People Crucified the Lord Jesus Christ    
Matthew 27:1-2, Matthew 23:33, Matthew 5:20, John 3:7
II. Hypocrites Crucified the Lord Jesus Christ   Matthew 27:3-8,  I Timothy 3:5
III. Cowards  Crucified the Lord Jesus Christ   Matthew 27:2, 27:11, 27:24-26, John 19:4, 6, John 19:4,6, Matthew 27:19, Mark 8:38, Matthew 10:32-33 
IV. Ignorant  people Crucified the Lord
Matthew 27:20, Matthew 27:21-22, John 6:37
V. Hard Hearted People Crucified the Lord Jesus Christ   Matthew 27:27-31, Isaiah 50:6
VI. Indifferent People Crucified the Lord Jesus Christ   Matthew 27:36,27:39,  Mark 15:29, Lamentations 1:12, Luke 11:23
VII. Skeptics and Cynics Crucified the Lord Jesus Christ   Matthew 27:39-44
Notice what they do:
They Misapplied His Word.  “Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days” (Matthew 27:40)       They Minimized His Death.  “If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross” (Matthew 27:40)                    They Mock Him Publicly   Matthew 27:41-44, John 12:37-40, Hebrews 3:12
VIII. You and I Crucified the Lord Jesus Christ    Who did crucify Jesus?  We did! We were there because our sins crucified Jesus. Ours were the hands that slapped Him. Our spit was the spit that defiled His face. Our sins were the nails that nailed Him to that cross. Our hard hearts were the hammers that drove those nails.
Conclusion   Matthew 27:21-22  We’ve all had a part in Crucifying the Lord Jesus Christ. You see Jesus died on that cross because,  Jesus took our place. He died as our substitute. Your sin will be pardoned by Christ or punished in hell, but it will never be overlooked.






PM two Sunday Nights

The Judgment Seat of Christ
(The Judgment of the Saved)
Text: II Corinthians 5:10, I Corinthians 3:11-15
Introduction: There are two main Judgements that will take place! These two are The Great White Throne Judgment and The Judgment Seat of Christ. The Great White Throne Judgment (Greek “Thronon” Judgment Throne is found in Revelation 20: 11-15).  The Judgment Seat of Christ is found in our text in II Corinthians 5:10.  “For we must all appear before The Judgment Seat of Christ.” (Greek “Bematos” or “Bema” also called a tribunal.)  The “Bema” was a lofty seat raised on an elevated platform used at the end of the Basilica or Olympic games and such so that the figure of the judge must have been towering above the crowd. The “Bematos” Judgment is a reward Judgment. The “Thronos” Judgement is a punishment Judgment!  All those who have not received Jesus as their personal Savior will stand before the Great White Throne Judgment being made  accountable for all sins.   All those who have received Jesus as their personal Savior will stand before The Judgment (Bema)  Seat of Christ and will be awarded according to their works. 
The child of God has three Judgments: 
(1) Judgment as a SINNER- Past.   Romans 8:1, John 5:24, Romans 4:8 
2) Judgment as a SON-Present - Day by Day!          Hebrews 12:6, Psalm 89:30, I Corinthians 11:31
(3) Judgment as a SERVANT-Future    II Corinthians 5:10-11
I. A PLACE OF REVIEW    II Corinthians 5:10
I Corinthians 3:8 and 14, Revelation 22:12, Matthew 16:27
Your works do not send you to Heaven, but they do follow you to Heaven. Matthew 6:19-20
What are the criteria used in this Judgment? 
A.) For the Quality of Your Service Not the Quantity of Your Service.
(1) The Right Foundation I Corinthians 3:11 
2) The Right Materials I Corinthians 3:12 
Note: It does not say what size it is! It says what Sort it is!
What will you rather have a wagon load of hay or a five-gallon bucket full of diamonds? 
3) Not Just What You Did, But What You Attempted to do as well.  I Kings 8:17-18 
B.) For the Motivation of Your Service, Not Your Achievements.  II Timothy 2:5    God will reward you for:
(1) Why You Did It?  I Corinthians 9:16-17
Jesus speaks  about improper motivation in: Matthew 6:2, 6:5 
(2) Who You Did It For! Matthew 10:41-42, Matthew 25:40,Mark 9:41
(3) Did I Do It Willingly?   I Corinthians 9:17 
C.) For Every Good Deed Done, Not for Good Intentions to Be Done.  Matthew 10:42 
1. BOXES   Exodus 25:38, 37:23, Numbers 4:9, Matthew 5:16
2. BOTTLES Psalm 56:8, Psalm 126:5, Revelation 21:4                
3. BOOKS Psalm 56:8                                                                     
a. The Book of Life  Philippians 4:3, Revelation 20:12
b. The Book of Works  Revelation 20:12
A.) Our Heart Will Be Displayed   Example: I Samuel 16:7 
B.) Our Amount of Sacrifice Will Be Reviewed.   
Example: Mark 12:43 
I Corinthians 3:15  The judgment is going to be by fire. 
There's going to be a test. "... it shall be revealed by fire...."  
There's going to be a torch test. 
I John 2:28, II John 8, Revelation 3:11